Despite the fact that checks are almost disappearing as a medium to carry out monetary transactions, in many countries, bank users are allowed to print their own checks. If this is your case, this program may be useful for you or your company. As its name implies, it helps you to create and print checks to be cashed by payees.
The program is very easy to use. It has to default templates that you can use without further modifications, only entering relevant data such as the amount payable, the payee's name and address, the bank account number, and so on. You can add different categories to file your checks easier, such as payments to suppliers, legal or accounting fees, and so on. By default, the program shows the current date in the relevant window.
You can also configure the stub that you will maintain after giving the check to the payee. You can change the default settings of both the stub and the actual check. for example, you can adjust the font and size, and add a logo to further customize your checks. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can edit the checks before printing them using the Edit button.
To print your checks, you only need to select those you want to print from the lower window and click on the Print button. This will open a dialog box where you can select the printer you want to use, as well as to decide if you want to print all the pages or only those you select. Also, you can set the number of copies you need to print. more
Comments (5)
I want to use this software to print my company logo and address and the bank account number and routing number. Will this software be able to do this?
Tien Ta